January 15, 2012

Small and Simple Things

On Sundays we only watch what the kids refer to as "Jesus Movies" (Def:movies that help you feel the spirit)instead of regular tv and movies.

On the LDS website they have a whole bunch of short vidoes that you can watch. This is great on bedrest when the kids can sit on the bed and watch with me (my dear hubby moved a computer to the nightstand so that I could finish work and have access to a larger screen than an i-phone)

For example on Christmas day, when the kids woke up at respectively 3 and 5 am we watched the First Presidency Christmas Devotional from my bed while hubby slept. (by the way if you have not watched that devotional I highly recommend it, my 2, 5, 7, 11 year old as well as myself really enjoyed it,

to watch it click HERE. With my new found hobby of "digital sign making"
I made the following after I watched the video below:

I love this video and this quote: "Great things are wrought through simple and small things. Like the small flecks of gold that accumulate over time into a large treasure, our small and simple acts of kindness and service will accumulate into a life filled with love for Heavenly Father, devotion to the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, and a sense of peace and joy each time we reach out to one another.”

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